produzione_carni_bovineThe Meloncelli Carni company is a meat butchering and preparing laboratory, authorized under approval number 2842 / S under Reg. 2004/853/EC.

From the beginning, the intention to differentiate the company in the field of food quality and safety has resulted in significant business investment in terms of qualified human resources and the means employed for the development, testing and verification of the company’s internal control procedures, under Reg. 2004/852/EC.



Today Meloncelli Carni S.r.l. defines, documents, implements, keeps up to date and aims to continuously improve its Management System for Food Safety in order to:

i7_produzione_lavorazione_commercio_carni_bovine_fresche_congelateEnsure the safety of products as required by Regulation (EC) 852/2004 on food hygiene and ISO 22000:2005.

i2_produzione_lavorazione_commercio_carni_bovine_fresche_congelateProvide products that are safe for consumers.

i1_produzione_lavorazione_commercio_carni_bovine_fresche_congelateSatisfy the customer through the pursuit of compliance with specific requirements.