produzione_carni_bovineMeloncelli Carni purchases its raw materials from selected national and European slaughterhouses and then processes them itself. The main raw materials are cows of national or European (Belgium, France, Poland, Ireland) origin, of various SEUROP classifications, predominantly national or European calves (Belgium, Netherlands) and Italian pork loin.


carni_fresche_congelateAll suppliers are among the main operators on the European scene in terms of history, service, quality and turnover, and are subject to documentary checks, inspections and analytical procedures to ensure compliance with internal control mechanisms.


lavorazione_commercio_carniThe quartered meat, after unloading, is stored in refrigerated cells so as to guarantee an adequate preservation process. During this stage, the humidity and temperature conditions are important for guaranteeing not only hygiene safety but also the organoleptic quality of the meat.